Wednesday 30 January 2013


Hello.(sorry did I scare you there?)

Welcome to A Book Whizzer. 

I love books and I have finally decided to start a book blog. It's exciting and intimidating but one must start somewhere, right? So here goes my leap of faith (though faith has less to do with it than effort, from what others say).

I am looking forward to the Book Blogging Community and I am looking forward to learning more about blogging.

As you can tell, or probably can't but now you will because I've pointed it out (oh, goodness); that my sentences are a bit off and awkwardly formal. Ah, introductions are usually a bit formal don't you think? It's like meeting a new friend; though I hope to make many.

Oh, what fun we will have!

A little about me and my reading preferences.

1. What do you read?
I read mostly fiction. I emphasize on the word 'mostly'. I do read non-fiction as well, though a significantly smaller amount compared to fiction.

2. What genre do you tend to go for?
I am not very picky with genres. Give me a book and I will read it. OH, except one genre. I don't read erotic fiction.
If I had to pick ONE genre? Well... you'd be left with no answer, I'm afraid.

3. What changes do you plan on making in your reading?
I would love to branch out more.  I haven't tried reading Horror (but excited to), Adult Romance, Crime and Graphic Novels. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^

4. How much do you read?
If the book isn't too thin and isn't too thick; about 400 pages; I would take one week to finish it if I'm really busy and one day to finish it if I'm not busy (or love the book too much to put it down).
Most of the time though, it takes 3-5 days.

5. Where do you live?
I live in Malaysia. We hate sunshine because we have plenty and we love snow because we don't have any. It's a nice country. Drop by anytime.

6. Where do you read?
I can read pretty much everywhere. Since I am a full-time student (with a 23-credit semester), I don't really have time to sit for hours to read. Normally, it's those 10 minute breaks that count.
And I read for half an hour before going to bed.

There are so much questions that I want to ask (to myself) and answer (to myself, again). I'm getting all giddy already!

I am planning to do BookTags though (questions from Booktube) and posting those in some time. Till then, happy reading!

Comment and follow. I'm much of an online chatterbox. And I'd love to know about you.

Tweedle-dee, Tweedle-dum,
See you soon.

(I am aware that it does not rhyme).